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Atomic Habits Checklist

75 ratings
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Atomic Habits Checklist

75 ratings

"Your habits are shaped by the systems in your life" - James Clear

Atomic Habits is probably the best book ever written on the topic of habits.

This book is a practical, science-based, and engaging guide to making lasting changes in your life, one small step at a time.

But as with a lot of books, the practical action steps sometimes go totally over our heads.

Many of us tend to only read self-development books instead of actively studying them.

To remember what we read, we need to implement the principles of the book into our daily lives.

Which is what this Atomic Habits Checklist will help you accomplish.

Every practical action item in this book has been turned into an exercise checklist, along with a complete book summary and a database with daily quotes from the book.

This Atomic Habits system includes the following:

  • Book Summary
  • Daily Atomic Habits Quotes
  • Atomic Habits Checklists & Exercises

"Goals are for setting direction, systems are for making progress" - James Clear


A complete walkthrough with video chapters can be found on my channel here:


How to download the template?

After purchase, you'll be redirected to the product page where you want to open the template link and click "Duplicate" on the top right corner to duplicate it to your workspace.

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This product is not at all affiliated with Atomic Habits by James Clear

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